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During your stay take advantage of all the facilities that this hotel has to offer. By day make use of the complimentary leisure facilities which include: an indoor swimming pool and a fully equipped gym!
The hotel also features a Starbucks for when you and the girls need a little pick me up, and a popular bar and grill, where you can catch up over a bottle of wine, or two, and tuck into a delicious meal.
The bedrooms have all been furnished to an excellent standard, and come with all the little extras you would expect to see, including free WIFI, tea and coffee making facilities, a hairdryer and a Scottish breakfast on each morning of your stay.
Kenwood House, 77a Shenley Road
Borehamwood, Herts, WD61AG
0208 068 1906
Mon -Thur: 09:00 - 18:00
Fri: 09:00 - 17:00
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
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